Self-Awareness | Self-Discovery| Finding Me

What Makes You Tick?

Discovering The Real Shades of You

O.J Ebubeoha


While in the shower a few days ago, I found myself repetitively playing soulful audio clips I had saved from Instagram, and these clips were all uplifting messages from different creators.

I had clips on vulnerability, manifesting, personal affirmations, healing, visualization, mindset, love, self-love, self-growth, dealing with life, and personal care.

This got me questioning how deeply my tastes, perceptions, beliefs, values, behaviors, and interpretations of my life experiences have changed over time and I felt a soft smile spread across my face as the water cascaded down my back.

I asked myself, is this what makes me tick? Am I discovering the different shades and parts of the real me?

The warm feeling in my chest gave me the answers I sort, and it felt beautiful knowing that I was on a journey of clarity and self-discovery.

And so are you.

Understanding and realizing what makes you tick and feel whole is a step toward exploring the different shades of who you are.

It peels the veil off the world's expectations of you and gives you a chance to delve deeper into discovering yourself.

A few years back, I had no clue that I would feel at peace listening to words of healing or reading about self-evolution and personal therapy.

I had no idea that I'll be interested in reading newsletters on self-discovery, entrepreneurship, connecting with my inner goddess, un-shaming myself and my art, and listening to podcasts on several of my favorite topics.

Never did I envision any of this, but it's happening and I'm prouder that I gave myself room to evolve.

So can you.

Waiting for absolute clarity on whether to embrace your change is a thief of evolution because the rarity of clarity is a gift.

A gift that opens the doorway to finding your true self as you take time to peel back the layers that don't fit, to get to the parts that bring you real peace.

I have realized that I unlock a new version of myself with every season I experience. Some are good, others are scary. Still, it's wonderful to know that these versions are all different shades of me that keep evolving.

Discovering the different shades of you by identifying things that make you tick, bring you peace, excite you, challenge and intrigue you is a great step toward purposeful self-recovery.

Don't ignore the subtle signs of your evolution when it begins.

It starts with the little things, a slight disconnection from things you thought defined you, and a desire for more things you’re not used to craving. So, when this begins to happen, you should pay attention and question every change as it occurs.

Ask yourself, is this a part of me I'll like to keep exploring? Am I open to find out why this change intrigues me?

If the feeling in your chest is warm, fuzzy, and excited, then go all in and see what hidden treasures you can find.

I’m extremely elated about the subtle changes that have begun manifesting in my life, and I hope you allow yourself to manifest the numerous shades of you.

Hi, I’m Jane, and I enjoy sharing meaningful pieces of my life, growth, pain, healing, discovery, and intriguing facts with you here on medium.

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O.J Ebubeoha

Holistic Wellness Enthusiast| Storyteller & Romance Author| Freelance Content Writer & Self-Motivator | |